Dad Gives Autistic Daughter Report Card That May Be The Best Dad Thing Ever!

By kncipat on July 2, 2018
Photo by Sasha/Getty Images

Sophie has autism.  School is very difficult for her.  She tries hard.  She puts hours into her homework.  So when Sophie brought home a report card with all D’s she burst into tears thinking that she had not only failed, but let down her family.  That’s when her dad, Shane, took action.  Shane made Sophie a new report card:  Dad’s report card.  Take a look:

The report card went viral and according to a LOT of people checked in:

Even the The National Autistic Society checked in saying they wholeheartedly approved.
And Sophie? She was thrilled. She even made her own report card. One for her dad. He scored A’s in every category  except being funny. In that one he got a B. But, he got an A+ in Being The Best Dad Ever. We agree!

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