London Green was born without a pulmonary artery. Long story short, the valves in his heart were sort of tangled up, and there was a hole in the bottom. London is just 5-years-old, and has already had four heart surgeries. Doctors got him in good shape though, and then the Make-A-Wish foundation stepped in to give London the surprise of a lifetime. London fell in love with the Ghostbusters movies, which I definitely can’t blame him, they’re absolute classics. The movies helped him through all the surgeries and recovery, and he’s become an absolute superfan. Make-A-Wish set up a ghost hunt using Old Sac, and they went all-out.
Check out that ride! Come cheer London on along Front Street as he rides in the Ecto EXB in style! #GHOSTBUSTERS
— Make-A-Wish CA NV (@MakeAWishCANV) October 22, 2018
Uh Oh, looks like London has more ghosts to chase. Five-year-old London wished he could make a difference in the world by fighting ghosts – stay tuned for more!
— Make-A-Wish CA NV (@MakeAWishCANV) October 22, 2018
He even got his own personalized suit, and some gear to hunt those ghosts with! This will be the best Halloween costume ever! Mayor Darrell Steinberg was there, too. To show his appreciation for ridding Sacramento of ghosts, the Mayor handed London a key to the city, as well. How cool!
Thrilled to hand the keys to the @TheCityofSac this morning to 5-year-old London, who had just vanquished The Marshmallow Man as part of his Make A @MakeAWishCANV dream of becoming a Ghostbuster. Such a strong boy, and such a beautiful smile. @oldsacramento is a safer place now!
— Darrell Steinberg (@Mayor_Steinberg) October 22, 2018
See some more info about London here.