Airlines Might Start Weighing You Before You Board A Flight
By Pacey on April 19, 2019
Ok so this MAY sound like an insensitive idea, but reading through the details it kind of makes sense. There’s an idea from a British startup called Fuel Matrix where they suggested that airlines would be better equipped if knowing the exact weight of every one of their passengers. To be sensitive and to NOT body-shame people, they suggested this should be done discreetly, i.e. at the bag drop off area or during TSA screening. They would then send your weight to the airline so they know exactly how much fuel they need to make the flight. This weight wouldn’t be shared with anyone, so the other passengers on the plane wouldn’t know what your weight is. Fuel Matrix suggested this would help with safety AND cost for the airlines.
Would YOU be ok with this if it was meant for saving cost and safety?