Another Robot Chef Restaurant Opened Up

A new restaurant uses a robot-only chef staff to prepare food in an automated way, and we’re a little concerned about the future of eating out.

By DAVID on May 4, 2018
(Photo by Cindy Ord/Getty Images for Cat Cora)

It really seems like these robotic chefs are starting to take over the eating-world. This new restaurant doesn’t use a “robot” though, in the conventional sense, but it’s all automated still. It opened in Boston, and it’s called “Spyce,” and it’s made by 4 MIT grads.

The restaurant only employes a couple human chefs, and their role is to pre-slice the ingredients. The robots handle the rest. You order what you want by using a touch-screen kiosk. The system takes it over from there. The ingredients (pre-sliced from people) are selected and dropped into pans. The pans will rotate automatically, flip the food around, and make sure it’s perfect and as-ordered. The robots will even wash themselves after cooking. Now THAT’S innovation.

This raises the question though – do you want to buy food from a robot? Remember “Flippy?” I mean, it’s a conventional “restaurant” anyway, and the dishes were planned by a real, star-rated chef. It’s affordable too, with an about $8 cost per bowl. Do you see automation taking over in restaurants soon, or do you think it’s a “fad?” See quit a bit more info about the new restaurant here.

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