This mom came up with a good – and pretty nice looking – solution on how to baby-proof a tree. She made her Christmas Tree out of balloons!
Mary Billings has a 1-year-old. She says that the baby crawls around, and gets into the tree. Not climbing it or anything like that, but she will pull ornaments out, tug on lights, etc. Mary wanted to keep both baby Elizabeth and the tree safe, of course, and tried to think of a solution. The one she came up with is actually quite nice, and we’re certainly enjoying it. It’s been done before, of course, at malls and stores. A Christmas tree made out of balloons never seemed like something to do in a home, but it totally works!
Mary says it took an afternoon and about 150 balloons. If you think about setting up a regular tree though, it can take an afternoon or even longer sometimes to get everything just right. Time well spent, I think. It’s “different,” Mary admits, “but I love the way it turned out,” she says. You can see some more info about how she got it done on her blog.