How Bad Are The Buffalo Bills? One Of Their Players Retired At Halftime!

By kncipat on September 17, 2018
Photo by Doug Pensinger/Getty Images

The Buffalo Bills are off to a bad start but this bad?  Bill’s corner back Vontae Davis hung it up at half time.  Walked out.

I don’t know a whole lot about the Bills except they lost big last week and at half time were down 28-6.  But quit? Really?

Davis was a ten year pro and two time pro bowler.  Playing on a team that was quickly becoming a league joke was not what he had in mind.  So why not just sit out the second half? published Davis’ statement and it seems like he was just done.  Not just with the Bills but with football altogether.  Bottom line:  the Bills are now the only team in NFL history to have an active player suddenly retire at half time.

(footnote:  the Bills played better in the second half but still lost 31-20)

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