The Band Perry’s Kimberly Perry Confirms Divorce
The Band Perry’s Kimberly Perry confirmed that she and her husband, J.P. Arencibia, have filed for divorce. The two had been married for about 3 years.
By Admin on March 5, 2018
Kimberly Perry of the Band Perry confirmed on Instagram that she and her husband, J.P. Arencibia, filed for divorce.
She wrote in a message to fans:
“Yes, sadly it’s true, my marriage has come to an end. I know that beauty will come from these ashes and, as always, I want to thank you all for your love and support. I’ll be in touch soon.”
According to Nash Country Daily, Kimberly and J.P. Arencibia got married on June 12, 2014 in Greenville, Tennessee. Carrie Underwood and her husband Mike Fisher were among those in attendance.
We hope Kimberly is doing well and wish her the best!