Do you really need any more than the headline for this story?
Actually, there is a little more to it.
Surveillance video captured “Cheeseburger” the black bear clumsily but successfully making off with a dumpster from behind Bud Depot Marijuana Dispensary in Lyons, Colorado.
The manager of the dispensary Nikko Garza, says the bear is well-known in the neighborhood, hence the nickname. He said Cheeseburger has tried breaking into their store a few times but stealing the dumpster was a first. So what was in the dumpster?
““Oh, just boxes. It’s none of the fun stuff like you would imagine.” he told local reporters, although he hinted that there could’ve been some residual odor from their product that may have appealed to the bear.
Still, it’s pretty funny, and on Cheeseburger’s part, it shows a lot of initiative.