Birthday Cards Pour In For Autistic Elk Grove Boy
Remember birthday boy Aiden Aguilar?
By kncitom on January 30, 2018
By Pat and Tom
Remember birthday boy Aiden Aguilar? Aiden has autism, and one of the things he loves more than anything in the world is getting mail. Last year, Aiden only got one card for his birthday, and it was from his dentist. With his birthday approaching, he recently asked his mom, Megan, if she thought he’d get another card from his dentist this year. When she heard that, she decided to see if social media could help her son receive a few more cards. One thing led to another and…our good friend Cambi Brown from Good Day Sacramento visited Aiden today and told us that since they first started arriving last week, he’s gotten nearly 1000 cards so far.
Wow. Luke Bryan’s right: most people ARE good.
Aiden’s birthday is February first so if you’re reading this on January 30th or 31st, or heck, even on Aiden’s birthday, and haven’t sent a card to him yet but would like to? Heck, go for it! Here’s his address.
Aiden Aguilar
3009 Babson Dr
Elk Grove 95758.
And if you already sent one..? Good on ya! You’re awesome