This is some breaking news over the past few minutes. Apparently there’s a rash of bomb threats being called in to various places all over the country. The FBI is working on the cases, but there are reports from one source saying the threats are “not credible.” Still, evacuations have been ordered.

So far, we’re aware of threats against some college campuses. The University of Washington Seattle, Penn State, and some other buildings in San Francisco, Chicago, and other large cities. There are also some reports of threats against newspaper offices, as well as courthouses. Hundreds – if not thousands – of threats have been called in. No word on anything received to any buildings here in Sacramento, but we’ll be sure to keep you updated.

The FBI has said in a statement, “As always, we encourage the public to remain vigilant and to promptly report suspicious activities which could represent a threat to public safety.” What can be said though is that at many, if not all of the locations, searches have been done. There were no threats found, and authorities have cleared the buildings for reentry. So for now it seems as if the bomb threats are a hoax, but still, they’re taking everything very seriously. Stay tuned for more information as it breaks, or check out CNN’s story here.

UPDATE 1:30pm – It appears as if the threats were made by someone who is threatening to detonate devices claimed to be placed in buildings to get Bitcoin currency. A copy of the message sent to businesses has been published on CNN’s website, at the above link.