BREAKING NEWS: Coronavirus Confirmed In Sacramento County

By Pacey on February 21, 2020
(Photo by STR/AFP via Getty Images)

It’s official: The first case of coronavirus has been confirmed in Sacramento County, here’s what you need to know…

KCRA 3 has reported the Sacramento County health officials have confirmed the first case of travel-related 2019 novel coronavirus in the county. Here’s what we know so far:

The person is an adult, had recently traveled from China and has self-quarantined. This individual began exhibiting mild symptoms and immediately consulted their doctor. Health officials said in a statement,

Currently, the individual is asymptomatic, but will remain home for mandatory isolation until cleared by Sacramento County Public Health. Sacramento County Public Health’s investigation determined that currently, the public’s risk of exposure is extremely low” 

See the full story HERE!

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