If Carrie Underwood Gave You This Answer What Would You Do?
Carrie Underwood was in Napa Wednesday night and absolutely left no doubt as to what her husband might be doing in the future
By kncipat on May 17, 2018
For my money Carrie Underwood is the most talented singer in any genre of music. She could sing random text messages and I would listen.
Wednesday night Carrie was in Napa as the featured act for Live In The Vineyard Goes Country. She met with people. Posed for pictures and answered questions. One person asked her if her recently retired hockey playing husband, Mike Fisher, former Nashville Predator, would now go into coaching. Carrie took a couple of seconds, and then emphatically said, “Those. People. Work. All. The. Time.” Translation: I’d like to see my husband from time to time so that ain’t gonna happen.
The person who asked the question physically backed away, smiled and thanked her for her time.
To read more about Carrie’s experience in Napa, check out this article.