Crybaby Pickup Basketball Player Calls Cops Because He Got Fouled Too Hard! (Video)

By kncipat on July 18, 2018
Photo by Bryan Bedder/Getty Images

Getting fouled in basketball is part of the game.  Apparently this got by a player in Virginia.  In a friendly game of pickup basketball at an LA Fitness Center reports a guy thought he got fouled too hard so he called the police.  I’ve played a lot of pickup basketball. You get fouled hard and sometimes you foul hard.  You might argue.  You might even walk off the court. But call the police?  The guy who complained to the law is the guy with his arms folded.  The other guy is the alleged perpetrator.

And here’s the video. The best part is the shot of the guy who called the cops after it’s all over. He’s sitting on the court making No Eye Contact with anybody. Here’s to you mister whiniest guy ever on a basketball court (insert laughing emoji)

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