“This is a challenging time for us all, and we are asking residents to look out for their neighbors by practicing social distancing,” Mayor Brett Lee said in a prepared statement. “The City is working closely with the Yolo County Health Department to encourage practices to keep the community safe and healthy.”
Davis Residents Asked to Shelter In Place
By Joey Tack on March 17, 2020

Colorized Tem. The Coronaviruses Owe Their Name To The The Crown Like Projections, Visible Under Microscope, That Encircle The Capsid. The Coronaviruses Are Responsible For Respiratory Ailments And Gastro Enteritis. The Virus Responsible For Sars Belongs To This Family. (Photo By BSIP/UIG Via Getty Images)
From our partners at KCRA3:
The city of Davis is asking its residents to shelter in place in an effort to curb the COVID-19 outbreak.
The recommendation from the city comes after Gov. Gavin Newsom said Monday he planned to extend the Bay Area shelter-in-place guidelines statewide. However, he did not issue an order.