Disneyland has been slapped with a $33,000 fine from Cal/OSHA. The fine comes after more than a dozen people contracted Legionnaire’s Disease, a lung disease, after visiting the theme park. At least two employees had to be hospitalized and one person died.
VC Star says the disease is caused when bacteria grows in man-made water systems. Then, pneumonia can develop just by breathing in contaminated vapor. Pretty scary! Cal Osha believes two cooling towers are behind the Legionnaire’s outbreak.
However, Disneyland is contesting all of the allegations and says the outbreak can’t be scientifically pinpointed to the cooling towers. “We strongly object to Cal OSHA’s allegation that our cooling towers caused any illness,” Spokeswoman Suzi Brown said.
Orange County’s Health Care Agency Environmental Health spokeswoman Jessica Good countered though. “Though it would not be possible to definitely link the cases to (Disney’s) cooling towers, the level of contamination and their location suggests that they are a potential source for some or all cases,” she said.
Disney has appealed the fine and a hearing is set for October 4. Although, they might just settle outside of court before that.