Remember the 2020 Tipping Challenge? Yeah, seems like 5 years ago doesn’t it. After Covid hit taking care of out of work restaurant workers took on a whole new meaning. Last week for the third time this year actor Donnie Wahlberg left a tip of $2,000 on a bill of less than a hundred bucks. The first time was at an IHop in St Charles, Illinois when he left a $2,020 tip on a $76 bill. Then in July he left a $2,020 tip on an $80 bill at a Waffle House in North Carolina. Last week Donnie stopped into one of his favorite places, The Marshland Restaurants and Bakery in Cape Cod. He has a favorite waitress named named Denise. When he was finished eating Donnie told her the payment was on the table and she was all set. The payment included a $2,020 tip on a $35 bill. The restaurant posted “A very special thank you to our friend Donnie Wahlberg!” 

The best part if Donnie asks for no publicity or thanks. He does this because both of his parents waited tables for a long time. In his words, “When I walk into a restaurant and the staff treats me like a king you better believe I treat them like queens.” The 2020 Tipping Challenge. Thank you Donnie Wahlberg for the timely reminder. It doesn’t have to be a couple of thousand dollars but being as generous as we can seems like a pretty good idea right now.