It pays to make a sign! Eric Church was in mid-concert form at the new Chase Center in San Francisco Friday night, Sept 27th when he spotted a sign. He asked one of his people to bring it to him. Eric held up the sign on stage, looked right at the little girl who had been holding it and said, “I will sponsor you for your jog-a-thon.” The crowd roared in approval. Little did 10 year old 5th grader Makenna Wallace know what kind of friend she just made. Church played for 3 hours and right at the end of the show ran over and gave Makenna a hug. He also had one of his security people get information on where to mail the check. Up to that point Makenna had raised $735 for Soulsbyville Elementary’s Jog-A-Thon. Eric wrote a check for $10,000. He also told Makenna he liked her shades (they’re just like the ones Eric wears). Watch how it happened:
Eric Church Donates $10,000 To 5th Graders Jog-A-Thon (Video)

Oct 6, 2019, 3:17 PM