Ettore’s Bakery Sold After Financial Problems Cause Owner To Close Two Locations
By Scripps National Desk on October 26, 2018
The past few months have been filled with nothing but bad news for Ettore’s Bakery. In April they filed for bankruptcy. Then, shortly after, they announced they’d have to close their Roseville location. Most recently, their production facility in Natomas was shuttered.
And in a Facebook announcement earlier this week, Ettore Ravazzolo announced that the business had been sold. However, there’s good news! The buyer is the longtime General Manager, Lisa Calk. Lisa has been a part of the Ettore’s Barkery team for over 10 years. She will now run the business in Fair Oaks and Ravazzolo will continue as pastry chef.
Ettore’s Bakery And Cafe Closing Down Their Production Facility