Garth’s Notre Dame Soundcheck Will Be Open For Students…and Free
By Admin on October 12, 2018
Garth just gets it.
It’s not enough that he’s playing Notre Dame’s stadium–the first concert in that legendary venue’s long and storied history.
It’s not enough he sold more than 80,000 tickets in less than three hours.
Nope, despite all that, he still takes time to remember to do more.
And in this case, it’s allowing every student on the Notre Dame campus in for the pre-show soundcheck the night before his Oct 20th show… free of charge (as long as they have their student ID!).
Garth made this announcement on Monday during a segment of his Studio G live Facebook feed (which you can see in its entirety here) and he also said that staff and faculty can go too, although they’ll have to pay an admission price…every dime of which will then go back to the college towards scholarships!
The dude just gets it.