Golden State Killer AKA East Area Rapist Suspect Arrested In Citrus Heights

By Admin on April 25, 2018
Joseph James DeAngelo East Area Rapist The Original Night Stalker Golden State Killer (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
(Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

It’s the news California has been waiting decades for—a suspect in the East Area Rapist case has been arrested. Since 1976, multiple cities in California have been living in fear of the elusive criminal. He’s also been deemed the Golden State Killer, the Diamond Knot Killer and the Original Night Stalker. But now he might be behind bars, as Joseph James DeAngelo, was arrested today in Citrus Heights.

Joseph James DeAngelo, 72, came on the radar just six days ago, according to the Sacramento Bee. He has been living in Citrus Heights for years but was never considered a suspect. That is, until DNA led detectives to his door.

The East Area Rapist is believed to have committed at least 45 rapes. Nearly all of them (37) occurred in the Sacramento region between 1976-1978. But, the Golden State Killer also murdered at least 12 people and traveled between the Sacramento area, Bay area and Southern California.

FBI agents and police have been surveying Joseph James DeAngelo for nearly a week before making their move on Tuesday. DeAngelo has lived in the same Citrus Heights home since 1983, and his neighbors are going bonkers…understandably so.

According to CNN, DeAngelo was a former Auburn police officer. But, he was fired for shoplifting in 1979.

What The East Area Rapist Is Being Charged With

While there are many, many charges DeAngelo could eventually be booked on, he is being held for the murders of Brian and Katie Maggiore. They were both shot while walking their dog in Rancho Cordova. The Maggiores are believed to be the first people the Golden State Killer or East Area Rapist killed.

Additionally, Joseph James DeAngelo is being charged with the murders of Charlene and Lyman Smith in Southern California.

One survivor of the East Area Rapist said she was “overwhelmed with joy. I’ve been crying, sobbing.” The brother of two victims, Keith Harrington, added “For the 51 ladies who were brutally raped: Sleep better tonight. He isn’t coming through the window. He is now in jail and he is history.”

My Take On The Case

I am not from Sacramento, but I have been following this case since I moved here a little over two years ago. I imagine it was terrifying for residents living in the area back then. And honestly, up until this arrest.

DNA is hard to deny, so I hope that the methods used were legal and that Joseph James DeAngelo is the right guy. I listen to way too many true crime podcasts and I know sometimes criminals get “lucky” for lack of a better word.

It would be amazing to finally know the East Area Rapist (Golden State Killer, Original Night Stalker) was behind bars.

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