Google’s New App Matches Your Face With Old Time Art Images, Often Not Very Well
So I got hooked on a new app this week that I will have fun with for probably another three or four days and then never use it again.
By kncitom on January 17, 2018
So I got hooked on a new app this week that I will have fun with for probably another three or four days and then never use it again (Isn’t that how it goes with most apps?)
This one is Google’s Arts and Culture app, and it’s got a feature that allows you to take a selfie, and then, through technological hocus-pocus, finds what it considers to be a facial match from a data base of thousands of old paintings hanging in museums around the globe.
Problem is, the process for matching up images needs to maybe be refined a little bit.
Granted, I will acknowledge, as much as I don’t want to, that this match for me is sort of, kind of close.
And this one of Cody is also fairly accurate
But then we start veering off course. Like, to me, Pat has never looked anything like a dude who looks like Al Gore, or Garrison Keillor without his glasses.
Poor listener Megan Soracco. The app really whiffed on her
And we’re not really sure what to make of this one, from an old colleague of ours…
And we’re damned sure another listener, Daphne Moss, does not look like Sir Benjamin Mooreland, whoever he was.
But maybe the worst, because it’s personal, is how the app treated my wife, Vickie.
Although, to be fair, maybe if she put the hat on….
Anyway, if you wanna check it out, go to your mobile’s app store. It IS fun to see just how wrong it gets certain people. And, occasionally, it can also sometimes be eerily accurate, as in this comparison between our colleague, KHTK morning host Carmichael Dave and … well…