Hear The Payoff As Pat Loses Bet To Tom On National Unplug Day
By kncipat on March 6, 2020
I still don’t think I should have been disqualified. Today is National Unplug Day so we decided to do our show with no phones. No texting, no twitter, no Instagram, no Facebook . If either of us caught the other using or even touching their phone then that person lost. Both Tom and I were doing really well (Cody had the day off otherwise she might have been the first to cave). A few minutes before 8am my phone rang. Because my ringer was up and it was audible I lost. The fact that I didn’t touch my phone, didn’t answer it, didn’t use it apparently didn’t matter. So I had to payoff the bet And that meant singing the Baby Shark song for 30 seconds. From start of getting busted to a referee’s ruling to the incredible version of that earworm song, here’s how it went.