Heard of the ALS Hot Pepper Challenge??
Remember the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge from a couple years back? Well, they’ve come up with a new, much more psycho way to raise awareness and money for the ALS Foundation.
By Cody Briana on January 26, 2018
By Tom Mailey
Remember the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge from a couple years back? Well, they’ve come up with a new, much more psycho way to raise awareness and money for the ALS Foundation.
The ALS Hot Pepper Challenge.
The premise is simple: Make a donation to the ALS Foundation, video yourself challenging three people, then pop the hottest pepper you can find into your mouth, and post it.
As it so happened, on the day we heard about this, someone brought in a bag of Paqui Ghost Pepper Tortilla Chips, and we figured those would be hot enough. How’d it go? And who’d I challenge? Watch the video below