Holt On There: NBC’s Lester Holt Talks With Seth Meyers About His Early Days In Sacramento Radio

By kncitom on August 9, 2018

NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt has come a long way from the days he was known as “Lightning Bolt Holt” at KRAK radio here in Sacramento. We know that was his nickname because our old colleague, the now-retired Sacramento radio legend Walt Shaw, was the guy who hired him back in the late 1970s.

Well, last night on Late Night with Seth Meyers, Holt touched on those days after Meyers held up a copy of a rejection letter Holt received from NBC news back in 1977. Holt was fresh out of high school (Cordova High) and looking for work.

As he explained to Meyers, the letter motivated him. He found work at KRAK, and while he doesn’t mention his nickname, KRAK or Walt in this interview with Meyers, he does explain how, during his time in Sacramento, he came to be a newsman. Check it out it’s pretty funny

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