Chris Lane’s been putting his time in quarantine to good use. In a call to the Pat, Tom and Cody show this week, he said he’s been learning to cook a lot with his Big Green Egg smoker/grill. “I’ve always loved cooking, and the Big Green Egg gives me the ‘manly’ version of that.” Although, as he was telling us that, his wife was in the background saying it wasn’t true and that Chris really likes to “eat a lot”.
Chris said he’s also been brushing up on music skills.
“I’ve also been trying to learn how to play piano a little better during all this down time as well.”
And, Chris said, he’s found time to binge watch a show a lot of us are catching up on now, Ozark.
“I am season two, episode 8. My wife is the one who said we should watch this and she didn’t wanna go back and watch the first season, so I had to start at season 2 and from what I’ve seen I really like it a lot“.
And, since Chris’ song Fix name drops another notorious TV character (“I’ll be your Walter White high“- Walter White, from Breaking Bad), would he consider cutting a song or re-working Fix to name-drops Ozark’s lead character, Marty Byrde?
“Haha” Chris told us off-air. “That’s not a bad idea. We’ll see. We’ll have to see.”
Hear more with Chris, including his thoughts on The Bachelor/Bachelorette franchise and the hardest part for him about not being able to tour right now, below.