The Internet Hates That Apple ‘What’s a Computer?’ Commercial [VIDEO]
Have you seen the commercial everyone is talking about yet?
By Cody Briana on January 29, 2018
Have you seen the commercial everyone is talking about yet? Apple’s latest iPad ad is sparking controversy because a young girl doesn’t know what a computer is. I mean, is it annoying they’re implying computers are now obsolete? Sure. I guess. But why is the internet crucifying a 9-year-old?! Or however old she is. Do your kids know what a computer is?
Watch and see the Tweets below.
Good morning to EVERYONE except the "wHaT's A cOmPuTeR????" girl from the iPad commercial
— Chazzy (@TheRealCPhantom) January 20, 2018
How does that kid in the iPad commercial know like every species of bug but not know what a computer is
— Adam Himmelsbach (@AdamHimmelsbach) January 24, 2018
It's annoyingly out of touch. Like Apply smugly believes that they're on the cusp of changing the world's lexicon for computer to their product. I feel bad for the girl though, people hate her now and she's just trying to get an acting career going.
— Brett Elliott (@brettmandoes) January 24, 2018
That iPad pro "what's a computer" commercial makes me so mad, if my kid ever talked back to me like that I'd punt that iPad and say That was a computer, punk.
— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) January 21, 2018
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