Jimmy Kimmel showed of the video of his yearly prank involving parents tricking their kids into thinking they ate all their Halloween candy.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Kimmel introduced the top videos submitted for the eighth edition of the annual prank. His I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy series involves parents filming their children’s reactions as they are told that all their Halloween candy was eaten. As expected, many of the kids’ responses are hilarious and understandable.

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According to Kimmel, this year over 1,000 videos were submitted to the show, with parents telling their children that they ate all their candy. All of the best reactions from the kids were then compiled into the annual video posted by Kimmel and his team.

Many reactions included children crying and telling their parents how disappointed they were in them. Another child led their parents to their room as punishment for their actions. Other children showed grace toward their parent’s betrayal, and told them that the candy didn’t matter and that they still loved them.

Time will tell if children eventually begin to wise up toward this yearly prank and the antics of Jimmy Kimmel.

Have you pulled Halloween pranks on your children or family members?

To read more about Kimmel’s yearly Halloween prank, click here.