Kellogg’s Releasing New ‘Baby Shark’ Cereal

By Pacey on July 29, 2019
(Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

I swear just when i get the song out of my head, something comes along to make sure it’s back to being stuck in my head again.

The Baby Shark Cereal will only be sold at Walmart and Sam’s Club.

The cereal will be “berry fin-tastic” flavored cereal with “marshmallows” and will hit Sam’s Club on August 17th and Walmart mid-September.

“We know Baby Shark is a catchy tune that has captured the hearts of many families,” Erin Storm, Kellogs marketing director said in a press release: “New Kellogg’s Baby Shark cereal was created to expand on the joy families feel in a tasty way.”



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ATTN PARENTS! Keep your children away from Walmart and Sam’s Club during the month of August. @kelloggsus has teamed up with @pinkfong.official to bring the world another wave of #BabyShark. I’m not a baby shark fan because it’s TOO catchy of a song. I prefer the classics. And even though I was able to keep my 2 girls away from that noise for a long time, it still got into my house. Haha. There’s just no fighting somethings. So its really your call if you want to reintroduce the madness into your home, just know you were warned. 😉 And if you’re wondering like me, I bet this is just a rebranded/tweaked version of the Peeps Cereal we all saw in the spring. Oh!––I do find it ironic that #sharkWeek starts on Sunday and this is being announced today too. Great timing Kelloggs. . . . #dododododo #babysharkcereal #new #newcereal #walmart #samsclub #walmartfinds #comingsoon #pinkfong #dadbod #dadbodsnacks #parentsbeware #attention #urgentmessage #cereal #breakfast #peepscereal #psa

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