Colonel Sanders, full name Harland David Sanders, founded Kentucky Fried Chicken back in 1952. He sold his fried chicken during the depression, later turning it into the successful restaurant. What’s old is new, and current KFC executives have noticed the trend of old names becoming popular again. One name that’s been missing from that list is “Harland.”

KFC then hatched a marketing plan. They apparently offered to pay out $11,000 to the first person who names their baby “Harland.” It has to be done on September 9th, which is Colonel Sanders’ birthday.

The name “Harland” was #3,257 on the list of popular baby names for last year, 2017. KFC plans to change that, according to their “campaign.” Although, some stipulations of the “contest” (if you can call it that) do exist. They say that you must be “first” to do it. If you’re wondering how that will work with different time zones, they specify “born after 12:00am ET.” At least they have that part figured out. It also looks like you’re pretty much free to do what you want with the money. A quick skim through the rules found that they’re writing a check to the winner, plus a little bonus for taxes.

If you or someone you know is having a baby sometime around September 9th and are interested in entering, well, the info is on KFC’s website here. I’m not going to lie, I think this is a brilliant marketing exercise. I totally think there will be a LOT of entries. We’ll have to wait and see just how many babies get that name. I wonder if there will be a world record set or anything like that. Plus, the way people are obsessed with social media fame these days, I can’t wait to see what happens. Source.