Did You Know Sacramento City Fire Charges A First Responder Fee?
By Admin on May 17, 2018
The not so great news: this year Sacramento City Fire introduced a first responder fee. It costs $283 to have them respond and provide emergency medial services on site.
However, there is some good news. There are waivers and discounts available. Apparently since it’s new, officials are still figuring all of this out. You know, the learning curve and all.
First Responder Fee in Sacramento
“We ask somebody if they are awake, alert and in solid mind if we can provide service to them. We get consent,” he said. “If they are unconscious or altered and can’t provide information, we do an implied consent.”
One woman who was charged the first responder fee told KCRA she was riding her bike when she fainted. Someone else called 911, she denied treatment, and was still sent a bill for $283. She was told no waivers were allowed. However, there are waivers you can qualify for. Again, learning curve.
Now, the point of this story isn’t to scare you into not calling 911. If there is an emergency, absolutely call regardless of the first responder fee. Sacramento City Fire and other organizations are here to help you.
The point is to make you aware of the fee and the waivers and discounts that are possible. Because you never know what will happen in the future and it’s good to know your options. You can actually see all the fees here.
I had no idea this fee existed, but now I do. And I feel more prepared knowing that.