Learn To Fish Saturday With Tom and California Dept of Fish and Wildlife!
All the basics to go trout fishing here in Northern California
By kncitom on January 17, 2020
If you have kids and would like to learn the basics of trout fishing, come to Cal-Expo for the Int’l Sportsman’s Expo Saturday morning. Between ten and noon, find the California Dept of Fish and Game exhibit-not too far inside the main entrance in the “Youth Fair” area. I’ll be there, and we’ll have a catch-and-release trout pond with experts on hand to show your kids (and you, if you’d like) all the basics. We’ll have all the gear, too AND for the first 25 kids these cool t-shirts made by our friends at the Fly Brave Foundation. Northern California is a great place to fish-with lots of great places to fish, and you don’t necessarily need a boat, either. We’ll be showing you the easiest way to cast a line from shore and, because of the stocked pond, how to reel it in when you’ve got one on.
Why am I there? Well…because I love to fish but, I will also be passing along knowledge from what seems to be my area of expertise: for anyone who asks, I’ll be happy share with them my best excuses for why the fish aren’t biting (because that’s a reality too)
It’s a full moon
The waters too cold
The waters too warm
You’re not deep enough
You’re not close enough to the surface
The engine’s too loud
There’s a banana in the boat
You did something to offend the fish gods ……
Seriously, if you and/or your child would love to learn the basics of fishing, come on out! We’d love to see you!