Man Tries Using Skeleton Passenger In HOV Lane
By kncipat on January 26, 2020
“A” for effort or “S” for stupid? A man in Phoenix tried using a skeleton passenger in the HOV lane. It didn’t work. You would think at age 62 you’d know better but not this guy. He was cited twice. Once for driving alone in a restricted lane and one for illegally tinted windows. Apparently the windows weren’t dark enough to hide his skeletor passenger. The Arizona Department of Public Safety posted this.
Think you can use the HOV lane with Skeletor riding shotgun? You’re dead wrong! ☠︎ One of our motor troopers cited the 62-year-old male driver for HOV & window tint violations on SR-101 near Apache Blvd this morning. #NiceTry #YoureNotHeMan #AZTroopers
— Dept. of Public Safety (@Arizona_DPS) January 23, 2020