If you paid for the recording tax on your latest return, you might be due a refund. A $75 tax was put into place in March and according to CBS 13, “it cleared you credit because a lien release wouldn’t have been recorded without it.” I have no idea what that means, but I guess you shouldn’t have had to pay it.

Many people were charged erroneously for tax liens, child support lien releases, and other items. CBS 13 states that you should be charged the $75 fee for things like deeds, grant deeds, trustee’s deed, deed of trust, mechanic’s lien, and maps. But, there’s no clear line on if you should be charged for liens by government agencies.

Again, I am no expert on this. I have no liens or really any property so I didn’t pay the $75 recording tax. But, if you did and you think you shouldn’t have, check out this template. It’s definitely worth looking into.