Sacramento County Has Seen A Rise in COVID-19 Cases Recently

By Pacey on June 9, 2020
Colorized Tem. The Coronaviruses Owe Their Name To The The Crown Like Projections, Visible Under Microscope, That Encircle The Capsid. The Coronaviruses Are Responsible For Respiratory Ailments And Gastro Enteritis. The Virus Responsible For Sars Belongs To This Family. (Photo By BSIP/UIG Via Getty Images)

I think we were all expecting a rise in Coronavirus cases as we begin to open up the economy, but these have been linked to private gatherings.

Back on May 27, there were eight coronavirus patients in hospitals, with six in the ICU. As of today, there are 33 hospitalized patients and 14 people in the ICU, according to Sacramento County spokesperson Janna Haynes.

These recent increase in cases have been linked to two birthday parties, a church group and a funeral.

“So we’re a bit concerned that people are being both sociable, but not as sensible as they should be,” Dr. Peter Beilenson, Sacramento County Public Health director said. “I should point out that these increases are not due to the protests. We’ve had contact tracers tracing all of these cases. They basically trace back to at least two large birthday parties, some with people from out of state, a church group and a funeral.”

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