Sacramento Man Runs Back to Burning Car to Light His Cigarette, Arrested for DUI
By Pacey on July 9, 2018
A suspected drunken driver went back to his burning car Sunday to try lighting his cigarette using the flames, according to the CHP. They say that Robert Quigley, 25, rear-ended an SUV that was stopped in traffic on westbound Interstate 80 just west of Antelope Road. Quigley was going between 75 and 80 mph at the time of the crash. The car then burst into flames due to the accident. A witness told officials a shirtless Quigley went back to his burning car to light his cigarette, singeing part of his eyebrows off in the process, according to Walker. Quigley later told the officer at the scene, “Yeah I’m not afraid of fire. I deal with this kind of stuff all the time.” He was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence. This is Quigley’s second DUI arrest in the last week, as a Grass Valley CHP arrested him for a separate incident.