This School Is Offering An “Adulting Day” To Help Students Learn Skill
High school students in Kentucky, are having the opportunity to learn valuable life skills, at their school’s “Adulting Day”.
By NathanG on December 14, 2018
A school in Kentucky is holding an “Adulting Day”, as a way to teach valuable life skills to high school students.
According to WMC5, seniors at Bullitt Central High School were required to spend time learning real-world skills. These students reportedly received one-on-one with people from the community. These learning opportunities included things like dorm-room cooking, changing a tire, credit cards and financing.
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The director of the BCHS Family Resource & Youth Services Center, Christy Hardin, organized the event for the students’ benefit. “I think that the idea occurred to me originally, I saw a Facebook post that parents passed around saying they needed a class in high school on taxes, and cooking,” Hardin explained. “Our kids can get that, but they have to choose it. And (Wednesday) was a day they could pick and choose pieces they didn’t feel like they had gotten so far.”
Other guest speakers for the event included members of the Army, Our Lady of Peace, and the local Police Department.
What do you think about this even designed to help teach high school seniors skills?
To read more about the school and its “Adulting Day”, click here.