Tell me something I don’t know. A new study from the CDC proves people in the U.S. like to binge-drink. The survey revealed over 17 billion drinks per year are consumed during binges, Forbes reports. An estimated 37 million, or 1 in 6, people in the country binge-drink at some point. I’m surprised it’s not more.

Those who had bingeing episodes did it about once a week and consumed roughly 7 drinks in each occasion. Also, men were much more likely to binge-drink than women. No surprise there.

“This study shows that binge drinkers are consuming a huge number of drinks per year, greatly increasing their chances of harming themselves and others,” said study co-author and lead researcher Robert Brewer. “The findings also show the importance of taking a comprehensive approach to prevent binge drinking, focusing on reducing both the number of times people binge drink and the amount they drink when they binge.”

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