George Clooney Flung 20 Feet Through The Air During Highway Crash July 10, 2018 11:24 am Published by austind03 <p>George Clooney was riding a scooter at 60 MPH when a car suddenly pulled out in front of him, flinging the actor twenty feet through the air onto the highway.</p>
George Clooney Gifts Each Of His 14 Close Friends With $1 Million December 13, 2017 5:11 pm Published by austind03 <p>As if being friends with George Clooney isn't nice enough, he actually gave his close friends $1 million each!</p>
George & Amal Clooney Give Pricey Headphones To Plane Passengers 11:46 am Published by austind03 <p>Don't you hate hearing crying babies when you're flying? George Clooney and his wife, Amal, totally agree!</p>