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<p>A restaurant owner in Australia had enough of pesky seagulls disrupting his customers. His solution was to arm his guests with water guns.</p>
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<p>A couple of student who cut class in order to go to the Chicago Cubs home opener happened to run into the school principal... who called in sick to go to the game!</p>
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<p>It turns out that those hand dryers in public bathrooms suck up feces particles and bacteria... then spray them out onto your hands.</p>
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<p>A town in Iowa attempted to sue a man for blogging on his website about the rancid smell in his hometown, only to lose the lawsuit.</p>
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<p>A man in the UK was caught driving around with a Homer Simpson driver's license. Obviously, this didn't end well for him. See the picture of the confiscated license.</p>
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<p>The world's biggest puppy was bred specifically to resemble an ancient dog that was last seen around 5,000 B.C. The huge dogs were used in war.</p>
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<p>A Mom's post on Facebook went viral after she admitted to charging her 5-year-old daughter rent. The opinions are definitely polarizing.</p>