Parking Tickets Issued To College Students During Campus Lockdown December 4, 2018 12:20 pm Published by DAVID <p>A college campus went on lockdown due to a person with a gun on campus, and students actually got parking tickets as the meters expired during the incident.</p>
What Sort Of Late Fee Would Be On A 44-Year-Old Parking Ticket Anyway? July 2, 2018 12:14 pm Published by DAVID <p>A man received a parking ticket and just never paid it - until 44 years later when the guilt was just too much.</p>
Did You Get A Parking Ticket In October? You Might Be In For A Refund! November 2, 2017 9:25 am Published by Doug Lazy <p>If you used an app to pay for parking, you should definitely check if you're eligible. </p>