Taylor Swift broke the record for highest-grossing U.S. tour, with her Reputation Stadium Tour.

According to Billboard, this tour broke the record for the highest-grossing U.S. tour since Billboard Boxscore began tracking touring data in 1990. Overall, the tour grossed $266.1 million and sold 2,068,399 tickets. These numbers smash the previous record held by the Rolling Stones. Their A Bigger Bang Tour in 2005-07 grossed $245 million. Also, while The Stones reached this record across 70 American shows, Swift stole the title in just 38.

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These impressive numbers also break Swift’s own previously held record of highest-grossing domestic tour by a woman. Her previous record was her 1989 World Tour, which grossed $181.5 million. The biggest nights of her tour were the three consecutive performances July 20-22 at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey. Across these three shows, she grossed $22 million and sold 165,654 tickets.

Dating back to her first show on the Fearless Tour, on April 23, 2009, Swift has grossed $687.7 million in the U.S. This amount is over $140 million more than any other artist in that stretch of time. The closest are Kenny Chesney ($547.4 million), U2 ($470.1 million) and Luke Bryan ($350.8 million).

To read more about Swift’s record breaking tour, click here.