Tom’s Eleven Favorite Twitter Follows

I don’t pretend to know all the best Twitter accounts, but here are 11 that I almost always stop at when I’m scrolling through. Why 11 and not 10? Because it’s my list. #DealWithit

By kncitom on March 21, 2018

By Tom Mailey

I have a love/hate relationship with Twitter. I love it because, for my job, it’s become a valuable tool for finding show material. I hate it because 90% of all tweets are the stuff in people’s heads that they used to keep to themselves…for good reason.

That said, there are some excellent accounts to follow. Some are interesting. Some contain important news and information and some are just plain hilarious. I don’t pretend to know all the best Twitter accounts, but here are 11 that I almost always stop at when I’m scrolling through. Why 11 and not 10? Because it’s my list. #DealWithit

1) First up, one of my two favorites: @_FloridaMan. If you love you some dumb stories from Florida, this site has them all, including this recent gem

2) And my other fave, @Super70sSports. If you’re of a certain age, and love sports and/or pop culture from pretty much any era that hasn’t aged well, this is a must-follow

3) If you love nature, but understand that real nature, while often pretty to look at, can also be absolutely terrifying, then you might want to follow @NatureIsScary. Warning, though: it is not for the faint of heart…it took me a few minutes to find an example of their posts that I could feature here.

4) For the history-minded who can appreciate both old photos of the Civil War AND The Simpson’s writing room, there’s @HistoryInPics

5) So much of social media is an echo chamber that it’s hard to find news accounts that have no obvious agenda. But I’ve found that @AP comes fairly close to just reporting the news without trying to tell us what they think we should think

6) Yes he’s a co-worker. Yes he’s a big lumbering dufus. But I love the guy and even if I didn’t I would still follow him on Twitter because @CarmichaelDave from our sister station Sports 1140 is not only a great source for any fan of the Sacramento Kings, he’s also quirky, funny, thoughtful and smart as hell (but don’t tell him I said that)

7) I follow a lot of country artists–duh, it goes with the job. And while many keep their accounts as safe as possible (one of the best at this, while still keeping it interesting and fun, is @CarrieUnderwood), others aren’t afraid to let it all hang out. @BlakeShelton is the kingpin, of course, but his volume has gone down the busier he’s gotten. @BradPaisley isn’t as whacked out as Blake, but he’s a funny dude and is also not afraid, when it’s appropriate, to speak his mind.  Speaking of which…I like artists who speak their mind, regardless of whether or not I agree with them. @MarenMorris is that way. So are @brothersosborne. Maybe it’s because they’re both 6’4 and wildly talented but these boys have no fear, and will address everything from racial issues to smoking weed, to clapping back at Twitter trolls when it’s appropriate.

8) Just when you’ve scrolled through 57 tweets and are starting to wonder if there is intelligent life anywhere, you come across @neiltyson and you feel a little bit better knowing there ARE some adults on social media. Plus, sometimes he’ll just simply blow your mind

9) If you could scoop up a handful of sunshine and turn it into a living, breathing person, you’d end up with someone very similar to @cambibrown. The Good Day Sacramento reporter/personality is a great follow for her often hilarious takes on life, love, and her mom

10) Lastly but not leastly, @realoverheardla is an account that purportedly posts real quotes overheard down in LaLa Land. Some of them are so good I sometimes question whether or not they’re true but then I think, who cares.

11) Turns out the most unheralded of first-responders, dispatch operators, have a pretty sharp sense of humor. They probably have to, dealing with some of the horrors they have to confront. But thankfully, they share some of that humor with us, including @just911operator (who lives here and works here in the Sacramento region).

How about you? What are some of your favorite Twitter follows (I’m at case you were wondering)

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