Toys ‘R’ Us Stores Set To Reopen By Christmas
Toys ‘R’ Us is coming back! See the changes that they’re making this time around!
By Doug Lazy on June 21, 2019
We LOVE this news! Toys ‘R’ Us stores are set to reopen across the country just in time for the holiday season!
Jeffrey the Giraffe is coming back! says that Toys ‘R’ Us is set to return with “about a half-dozen U.S. stores” and an e-commerce site so that customers can also place online orders to Toys ‘R’ Us.
The new Toys ‘R’ Us stores are expected to be about a third of the size of the old Toys ‘R’ Us locations but will have more “experiences” within the stores. So how will Toys ‘R’ Us make their money THIS time around? The article says that toy makers may send the store their toys but wouldn’t get paid unless customers buy the toys. It sounds crazy enough to work!
We’re crossing our fingers that Sacramento gets one of the new Toys ‘R’ Us stores!