Waitress Blown Away By Group Of Sixth Graders
By kncipat on January 22, 2020
Nicole Marie has been a waitress at The Red Dog Saloon in Milford, Michigan for 10 years. She’s seen it all or at least she thought she had until last week. That’s when 7 guys came in and sat down at a table in her service area. Her first thought, where are their parents?. Nicole too their order and after they were done, after they left she posted the following on fb. My faith has been restored……6 guys came into eat and by their looks I thought it would be a big challenge. They were EXTREMELY polite the whole time….each one of them used please and thank you repeatedly. One of them even told his friend to get off his phone while they were ordering. I just wanted to give a big props to the parents of these boys- keep doing what you’re doing!!
Pictured is how they left the table! Even grown adults (myself included) rarely leave the table this clean!