You read that correctly. This woman was able to save her family by using a taco. The family, a husband, wife, and 4 kids had stopped at a taco truck after a day out. While they were eating, a man came up to them, pretending to be an undercover police officer. He flashed a gun and a badge, and was “terrorizing” the family. The mom hatched a plan. A “taco tactic,” as it was called. She offered the man a taco, and then said she had to go get some napkins from the food truck.
The story leaves a few questions though. Why was the man impersonating an officer? Was he trying to car jack them, or just look for cash to grab and then run off? Anyway, as the guy was digging through the woman’s purse, she had left to go to the food truck. When she got there, she told other customers and food truck employees not to look back, but that there was a guy with a gun terrorizing her family. Obviously, they called the police.
The police arrived to the taco truck a short time later. When the guy spotted police, he apparently tried to throw the gun into the family’s van and get in to take off. The police were quick to apprehend the guy, and took him off to jail. He was charged with a few big ones, including child endangerment and impersonating an officer. Oh, and of course he had other outstanding warrants for his arrest as well. See some more info here.