WW2 Vet Finally Gets To West Point
By kncipat on March 2, 2020
Pete DuPre is 96. He got his first harmonica when he was just a kid. The year was 1933. Being a depression kid somehow Pete’s dad scraped together enough money to get it for him. To Pete is was as if his dad handed him a pot of gold. Pete taught himself to play and took the harmonica with him everywhere. The harmonica was in his pocket when Pete fought during the Battle Of The Bulge in 1944. Thanks to the Greatest Generation Foundation Pete has traveled the world playing his harmonica. He’s played parades, lodge gatherings, funerals and sporting events. The one place Pete’s wanted to play most finally happened over the weekend when Pete got to play what he calls The Mecca. West Point. Pete said, “I’m honored to be here. I’m an Army guy.” The occasion was the Army vs Navy basketball game. “They said it’s a sell out and it’s standing room only,” Pete added. “All those people are going to be in there – and then me. That’s a pretty good feeling.”
Check out part of Pete’s performance.