Burger King Is Giving Free Burgers To Terminally Ill Dog
Cody’s favorite snack is plain cheeseburgers from Burger King!
By kncipat on July 18, 2018
Cody is a 10 year old Boxer-Labrador that was just diagnosed with cancer. A cancer so aggressive that Cody’s been given just three months to live. Can you imagine getting that news about a dog that has been your constant companion since being adopted at just 8 weeks old? After the devastating news Lynn Morris and her family decided they were going to make Cody’s remaining days, no matter how much time he had left, the absolute best. And that included getting Cody his favorite snack. He LOVES cheeseburgers. Plain cheeseburgers (condiments are hard for him to digest). A couple of days ago they were getting Cody his Burger King cheeseburger when, as wtol.com reports, a worker asked why they were always getting plain cheeseburgers. Lynn explained why. The drive through worker left for a minute and then returned with her manager. The manager told Lynn that from now on all of Cody’s cheeseburgers would be free. Lynn was blown away. So was her son Alec Karcher who posted this on twitter:
Thanks to @BurgerKing for showing so much love and kindness towards my family and our dog, Cody. It’s appreciated more than words can describe. pic.twitter.com/KsKnfXtv0S
— Karch (@AKarchh) July 16, 2018
Burger King responded to Alec’s tweet:
the world needs more kindness and empathy. thank you for giving us the chance to do this for Cody.
— Burger King (@BurgerKing) July 16, 2018
This happened (and is still happening) in Toledo, Ohio. In case you’re in the area (like my sister is…she lives there), support the Burger King on East Alexis Blvd. And Lynn wants to remind us all that when we’re ready to get a dog, please adopt one from a shelter.