Chris Pratt is quickly becoming one of the coolest guys in America.  There was his  9 Rules MTV Speech, to surprising The Boys and Girls Club in Lake Stevens, Washington at a Jurassic Park screening to what he did Saturday night in Vacaville.  Like a lot of movie theaters around the country, Brendan Theatres in Vacaville was showing the new Jurassic Park movie Saturday night, but this showing had a special twist.  It was a fundraiser for 2 Vacaville kids fighting cancer:  10 year old Brenden Albright and 12 year old Kyra Williams.  The Vacaville Police and Fire Departments have rallied around these two special kids holding multiple fundraisers including the movie screening.   Daniel Pratt is a Sheriff’s Deputy in Vacaville.  He’s also Chris Pratt’s brother.  According to before the movie Daniel was explaining how the 50/50 raffle would work when he said, “Chris, are you here?”  Chris stepped out and as you can imagine the crowd went crazy.  Chris signed autographs, spoke, and met the guests of honor, Brenden and Kyra.  Chris spoke specifically about them telling them they had his support, prayers, and that his life was changed for having met them.

While “Jurassic Park: Fallen Kingdom,” stomped it’s way to a $150 million dollar debut and may well set a franchise record, it’s nice to know that it’s star is a normal guy with a big heart.