Lil Help: Lil Wayne Gets Mistaken For Lil…errr…Little Big Town

By kncitom on August 2, 2018

Here’s an awards show fun-fact: award winning artists don’t usually leave with the hardware…what gets presented to them onstage is a prop and the real trophies get engraved and shipped at a later date.

And so LAST week was hardware-shipping time for the 2017 American Music Awards, which were held in November and at which Little Big Town won 4 different times. So they had 4 trophies coming their way, right?

Yes! But, they haven’t gotten them yet. That’s because, according to, someone in their shipping department screwed up and sent ALL of Little Big Town’s AMA trophies to…rapper Lil Wayne.

Lil Wayne posted about the screw up on social media. He DID win one award on the show and that trophy WAS included in the shipment of Little Big Town trophies. The rest though, were good for nothing more than a laugh, and a  source close to Lil wayne tells TMZ his people are in the process of getting the trophies to their rightful owners.

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