Published by austind03
<p>The judge in the Bill Cosby case handed down his sentence today and said, "I'm not permitted to treat him any differently based on who he is or who he was."</p>
Published by Admin
<p>A 67-year-old man in England is spending eight months in jail after he was caught giving the middle finger to speed cameras multiple times.</p>
Published by austind03
<p>A Missouri woman named Ashely Despain recently took a trip to a prison to give a bible to an inmate. However, she's now about to become an inmate herself...</p>
Published by Admin
<p>A woman in Minnesota received a prison sentence after accidentally killing her boyfriend for a YouTube stunt. The two hoped that the dangerous act would propel them into fame.</p>
Published by austind03
<p>Martin Shrkeli, the smirking "Pharma Bro" who was heavily criticized for raising the price of the life-saving drug Daraprim, sobbed in court of being found guilty of fraud.</p>
Published by Doug Lazy
<p>A notorious Florida conman will serve his 20-year sentence in solitary at the infamous federal Supermax prison -- at his request.</p>